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Our Guarantee

About Our Warranty

Our Guarantee To You

At Casey Automotive, our family has stood behind all our work since 1976. We offer peace of mind with a Nationwide 24 month, 24,000 mile warranty on parts and labor. You must keep a copy of the original receipt for warranty to be valid. Odometer reading and date of original repair will be used to determine eligibility.

Warranty expires once 24 months or 24,000 miles is reached whichever one comes first. This warranty is only for the original purchaser, and not to anyone who may purchase your vehicle from you during the term of the warranty.

Nationwide Warranty

If you are out of state or more than 25 miles away from a Casey Automotive location. Please Call Pronto Car Care to reach a warranty administrator at 1-800-477-6686 or visit web site at They can refer you to the closest repair facility to get repairs and warranty claim started.

Warranty icon

Lifetime Warranty

We offer a lifetime warranty on these following premium parts. Bosch premium brake pads, Monroe shocks and struts, Walker exhaust mufflers only. *If you use coupon on brakes or use other ceramic or metallic brake pad sets they will carry our regular 24 month/24,000 mile warranty.

Roadside Assistance

Customers with a qualifying service or repair of parts and labor of $20 or more may qualify for Roadside Assistance reimbursement of up to $120 towards a tow, jump start, lock-out, flat tire assistance or fuel service for one year from original date of qualifying service. Coverage begins 24 hrs after online registration. See program terms, register or get reimbursement at

Continental Tire Warranty

All continental passenger and light truck tires are eligible for a limited road hazard warranty for a free replacement of damaged tire for the first 12 months or within the first 2/32 of tread depth. Also Continental tires come with a free three year flat tire roadside assistance program. Tire must be registered online within 45 days of purchase at

Our Casey Automotive family thanks you for your business and support. Customer satisfaction is our number one goal. For any questions or concerns please contact your local store manager.

Continenal Confidence Plan

General Tire Shield+ Advantage Plan

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