Automotive Parts: Automotive Belts
Auto Repair For Illinois: Palatine 60067 | Arlington Heights 60004 | Streamwood 60107
In most cars there is just one belt, a serpentine belt, that is responsible for powering the water pump, the power-steering pump, and various other accessories. In older cars each car function had a separate belt that powered it.
Belts wear out from use and will eventually crack and decay from environmental factors. If you have individual belts and a belt breaks you will lose the function of that part that the belt was powering. If you have a serpentine belt and it breaks all of the parts will stop working and there could be engine damage due to overheating.
Casey Automotive is a full service automotive shop, offering a wide range of repairs for both foreign and domestic vehicles. With over 35 years of experience Casey Automotive continues to provide Chicago and surrounding communities with the highest quality automotive service at competitive rates. Our auto shops are located in Palatine, IL 60067, Arlington Heights, IL 60004, and Streamwood, IL 60107. For more information on what we offer, see our Services page.